Sunday, August 12, 2012


It seems to me that people don't own the things they say and the things they do. If it is a good thing, they are all over it like white on rice, if it is a bad, stupid, dumb ass thing, they try and shine that on. Like "what?" I don't know what you are talking about it.
I just wish that people would own the shit they say and the shit they do~ So I found some pictures and sayings that just tap in to how I feel about this, so here goes...

If you ask me a question, be prepared for an answer you might not like. If you are a true friend you will want the truth.  I WILL tell it to you. 

It amazes me that the people that are the backstabbing dilholes, think they get away with it. They think they can talk shit and trash you and that you will never find out.  I am glad they live in their bubble of delusional brilliance. It makes it more fun because they seem to be oblivious to my sarcastic response... :D

That saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I just as soon, get rid of the enemies and the negative baggage they bring. Maybe they should call them enemas, instead of enemies..  get rid of that shit!

I can relate to this, but it will be my pleasure to be sarcastic and rude if the occasion calls for it!

Then you get the people that don't realize you are being rude and sarcastick because they think you don't know what stink ass, backstabbing turds they are. Oh, but you do.. you do.

I do believe that what you put out, you will get back, times 3. So if you are insecure about yourself, and bad mouth others to make yourself feel better, if you are just mean and get off on treating people like shit, Karma will find you. You won't know when, that makes it awesome~

Just know, I will call you out, and I won't have a problem telling you to your face. I don't need friends like that and I sure as hell don't want them.