Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Love Red Lipstick

I don't know what it is about lipstick that makes me feel better, but when I am feeling blue, lipstick seems to help. Red Lipstick even better! I just love red lipstick. I can't seem to figure out the rules that some people wish us to follow, when it comes to lipstick and makeup, like you can wear this shade if you are pale or dark, is your skin yellow toned, cream, blah blah blah. To be honest I don't give a cat's butt about the "instructions" or rules. I am going to wear whatever color lipstick that I want. I am going to pick those colors that are taboo for a red head or a woman with freckles. I am a rebel, that way! Yeah, I am bad ass!

The lipstick I am jonesing for right now is Ruby Woo by MAC. I think MAC stands for Major Ass Cash. Meaning: babe, you better be coughing up some cheddar to pay for that. (How gangsta do I sound?) lol So, I am saving up for my Ruby Woo.. and then I am going to be feeling fine. OMGosh, maybe lipstick is my crack? So I guess the rest of my makeup.. eye shadow and blush and mascara is just to get by on, until I put that HO RED LIPSTICK on! Then I am awesomeness, even if it is just to myself! I will be rocking that red lipstick, even if it is just in my mind. I am fearless that way.
And I will be feeling fine~

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ginger's Unite!

Oh NO.. a ginger in the tub!!

I was reading a blog (4Hens&aRooster) the other day. Mother Hen had posted about her daughter being dubbed by classmates as a Ginger.  When I was growing up, I had such a hard time, but it was mostly from family. Family being the older aunts and uncles, grandparents and such. The kids in the family didn't really tease me. I had all the nicknames, that I hated, and what made it even worse is that I was the only "totally ginger" in the family. I was the only child in our family that had red hair. Straight up redhead!

My brother and I, he.. brown.. me ginger. lol

Don't mess with a ginger, she will poke your eye out!

 In grade school I didn't really get teased.. or hell, it has been to long for me to remember. So, if I did, I wasn't scarred for life. :D

If the hair doesn't scare you, the teeth should!

It wasn't until jr high that I started noticing the LOOKS. I can't even remember anyone else in my jr high having red hair. I think it kept me from having boyfriends. I know I am not monkey butt ugly, so I don't think it was looks. I had a good amount of friends, so it wasn't my personality. It had to be the red hair. High School wasn't much different. Through out high school I had maybe four boyfriends, and the last and longest one was a ginger also. Funny how that worked out. That little romance changed me forever though. To this day, I would not date a man with red hair. I seriously think it is because of the last high school boyfriend thing. It went south and my attractions to gingers went with it. Not that I don't think gingers are beautiful or handsome.. just can't date them.

If we had had kids, they would have been gingers ~ definately.

I really started realizing how special being a ginger was, when I was in my 20's. To bad we have to go through all of the other stuff before we realize how lucky we are. I have met women who would kill to have the color of hair I had when I was growing up. Hell, I wish my hair was that color now. Damn old age, damn you to hell! Thank goodness for Sally's Beauty supplies, I can still be pretty close to my natural color. Can I get an Hell Yeah!!

It seems to me that in this day and age, that Ginger's are more sought after, natural ones, even more so. You have actresses such as Julianna Moore, Bryce Dallas Howard, Christina Hendricks & Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley-Harry Potter), just to name a few.

I guess now I am rambling, so I will wrap this up. Some things from Mother Nature are a gift. When we are young, we sometimes don't realize how lucky we are to be blessed with these precious gifts. It takes a few years and learning to love ourselves, then we realize how lucky we are.
Gingers are special. We are a rare group of people.
Please embrace that red hair and those freckles.
Gingers Unite!

(And remember, the next time someone calls you "Carrot-Top" tell them,
Carrot Tops are green ~ Einstein!

Terri .. a Ginger

and proud of it!