Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Faith in humanity

Today my father went with me to a Dr Appt. On the way we have nice chats, for the most part. He brought something to my attention. He told me that he thinks that today's kids are more cruel today, than of days gone by. For some reason this got me to thinking of a story I saw on FB about some teen boys that had hung a puppy. They had smiles on their faces, like they were proud of what they had done, thought it was funny or cool. It broke my heart. I had to hide the post, I couldn't look at it. Supposedly it was taken a couple years ago, but that doesn't make it any easier to see. I have also heard about another "fun" pastime that some people seem to think is cool... kitten stomping. Makes me nauseous just talking about it.
Do these young people lack any kind of concsious, any empathy? How do they live with themselves. Are they monsters at home. Is the public the chosen few that get to see this behaviour?  How do these young people learn these horrendous patterns.
I never understood how a child could see something being beaten and think it is alright. Don't they have a twinge inside themselves that say, "don't do this, this is wrong in so many ways". Even if that is what they are seeing their parents do. All of this "leaned condition" makes me want to vomit. You either know something is right or something is wrong. Don't most people have that sense? That brings up this.. I don't want to hear that they see their parents are telling them it is alright so they do it. There are children raised in vile situations that totally go the other way and never do this kind of crap.
This makes me almost lose hope for our future generations. I think the US is going to hell in a handbasket, but can you imagine having these youngsters running our government and military, etc.. It makes me weep. I hope things change for the better, but the way things are going now, I am glad, I hopefully, won't be alive to see it.
I guess I am just kind of rambling, but I had to get this off of my chest. It has just been popping up, here and there. Maybe I will get some peace now, I can't change it and I can't fix it.. I can only do the best I can with those I live with and those I love and those who are my friends. Here's to hope: hope that things change and that my "Faith in Humanity" isn't a lost cause.


  1. I completely agree, it is a terrible thing. I have faith that in me homeschooling my daughter, that one day she may grow up to be someone I can be proud of. Now I'm not saying public school children are any less capable of this, but I know there are many bad influences and also many bad habits/behavior are picked up at school. I would be so humiliated if she ever did half of the things kids do today. My question is, where are the parents??

  2. that one of my many questions also..

  3. I'm about to sound like an old geezer, but think that while harming animals for some sort of pleasure has been out there for a long time, the internet has gone a long way "normalize" the behavior. In the past when stuff like this came out parents and communities expressed shock. Now there are websites that appear to popularize it or normalize the actions by showing, "see these people do it too." The ability to instantly immortalize themselves from cell phone picture to upload seems like instant gratification magnified.

  4. Sad isn't it. That abusing something helpless, is pleasure to some and fun and rewarded by having websites to promote it. I weep for the future, I truly do.

  5. I hate people sometimes. I hate the ones who hurt these poor, defenseless little creatures.

    People are raising their kids without any type of morals, and kids are not learning empathy and compassion. They are growing up thinking that it is ok to do whatever they want to, without regard to how it affects anyone or anything else.
    I see this world going down down down without any way of coming back up.
    China has snuff films where stupid women are cuddling a kitten then stepping it with spiked shoes...I would really love to catch these people who have parts in this and throw them in a dark dungeon and teach them what Hell feels like.
